If you or a loved one is seeking help for Marijuana Substance Use Disorder, Cannabis Abuse or Addiction, here are some resources
(OSC does not make any claims, endorsements or lend advice and is not responsible for any issues related to the following links) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marijuana Anonymous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Al-anon for family and friends with addicted loved ones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recovery Happens Jon Daily http://www.recoveryhappens.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Do It Yourself Guide to Quitting Cannabis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iTHRIVE is a program of Alternatives for Youth (AFY), a 30-year-old 501(c)3 non-profit based in Longmont, Colorado. http://www.alternativesforyouth.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Natural High is a 501(c)3 substance abuse prevention organization that inspires young people to say yes to their passions, and no to drugs and alcohol. We believe we have the ability to create a new social norm – one that embraces passions and dreams, free from artificial highs. http://naturalhigh.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Natural Highs—Healthy Alternatives to Drugs and Alcohol is an interactive strengths-based educational program integrating traditional and alternative approaches to substance abuse prevention and intervention. The Natural Highs Program includes a Peer Mentorship component and a Natural Highs Peer Leadership Group called the Action Team, which is comprised of students from several schools and whose mission is to create a positive and healthy peer culture in Boulder. http://www.naturalhighs.us ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amen Clinic 1000 Marina Blvd. Suite 100, Brisbane, CA 94005 (650) 416-7830 http://www.amenclinics.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ F.A.I.R. Families and Adolescents in Recovery http://www.fairkids.com 2010 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60173 847.359.5192 Contact the FAIR Foundation at: 847.701.0344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSC Support Coach [email protected] www.hearts-gate.com |
for family, friends and those dependent on cannabis: Contact your County Mental Health Dept. for support and support groups. Find Community Support Groups in your area. Find a licensed addiction counselor. Attend AA, NA, MA, Al-Anon meetings. Get a sponsor. Stay connected: don't isolate. Keep on top of your physical health. Seek support from a medical doctor/psychiatrist. Exercise. Eat healthy. Meditate. Reach out when you are struggling. Educate: read books, articles, magazines, studies, films, lectures. Join Facebook site Marijuana Addicts, Families and Friends Watch the documentary: The Other Side of Cannabis |